Long Term Care Insurance
You’re healthy today. Can you count on tomorrow? What if you, your spouse or a loved one becomes physically or mentally incapacitated? You have a staggering one in four risk of needing Long Term Care. (LTC Insurance Made Simple, 1999)
What is Long Term Care?
- Care provided in a nursing home, assisted living facility or a home care setting, both to aid the basic activities of daily life and to preserve personal safety.
- LTC is the largest unfunded liability facing the public today. (Center for LTC Financing, 3/5/99)
- LTC is not usually covered by ordinary health insurance and Medicare only offers
limited benefits.
Who Needs Long Term Care?
- “Roughly 1 in 4 households provide care giving to people age 50 and older,” according to the American Association of Retired Persons and the National Alliance of Care-Giving.
- “If you are 65 or older, you are 10 times as likely to go into a nursing home this year as you are to have your house burn down.” (Provider June 1999)
- Unfortunately, “forty percent of the people who need long-term care are 18-64. They are the Christopher Reeves and the Michael J. Fox, and they have debilitating illness, disease or accidents.” (The Wall Street Journal, October 22, 2001 quoting Phyllis Shelton)
Long Term Care Insurance is an important tool to help cover the cost of services for people who have a cognitive impairment, or a extended illness or disability. Long Term Care Insurance can help you and your family maintain independence financially if you have purchased a policy that gives you the correct protection.
If you are a Lenawee County Chamber of Commerce Member, an employee of a Lenawee County Chamber of Commerce Member including their extended family members such as spouse, parents and spouse’s parents, grandparents and spouse’s grandparents and adult children, or a retiree of a Lenawee County Chamber Member you are eligible for a discounted premium.
Contact Gurdjian Insurance Group to find out how Long Term Care Insurance can help protect yourself and your family.